
Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Mugshot Cafe

Start the day with a tasty bagel? Satisfaction!

We went to Mugshot to try out their bagels one early morning. This was actually my 2nd visit. I wanted to try more. The shop is one of the old shop lots at Chulia Street. When I mean old, it's really old. The shop is much much older than me, considered its heritage status. They have a "chim za-ing" (in hokkien) in the middle of the shop allowing the sunlight to brighten the shop. Cozy~

Chee Yon's order. Beef & Rocket. 

This is what Mavis had ordered. Cream cheese & smoked salmon. Look how generous they are, such a big piece of salmon. I've tried this during my 1st visit. Taste good but I prefer to have lesser cream cheese. Perhaps I should tell them less cream cheese next round? Hehe.. 

This is my order, Bacon & Egg. Thumbs up for this. The combination of the bacon & egg and how the taste lasted in your mouth... Yum!

Mango & Walnut Yogurt. Another generous serving. Look how chunky the walnuts were. 

Some drinks to quench the thirst. Cappuccino, and Wild Berries tea. 

Such a tasty breakfast. Satisfied. =)

They had an oven to cook/ heat the food.

Snapped some photos before we started our breakfast.  

Mavis, where are you? =p

Chee Yon snapped a few too. 

This is what I've meant. Chim Za-ing (in hokkien). They have a space in the middle of the shop with a transparent roof top allowing the sunlight to shine in. We don't have this nowadays, only those heritage shop have this kind of design. Some people don't have a roof at this area during old days and it will be wet if it rains. 

More old stuffs. 

Some sense of humor from the owners. Lol. 

Snapped some photos with Mavis after our breakfast. =) 

People get confuse with our outlook. They said we look alike. To me, of course Mavis looks prettier. Lol. 

Outfit of the day - Crochet lace top and scallop shorts. 

Cafe Info: 
The Mugshot Cafe 
302 Chulia Street, 
10200 Georgetown, 
Pulau Pinang. 
Tel: 012-4056276
Open Daily: 8.00am - 9.00pm

Ok, I think I should stop now. Looks lengthy, hope you guys don't mind. Till then, bye. 

p.s. - Thanks to Chee Yon for the photos. 

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