
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Europe Trip: Part 5 - Vienna

Blogging about Vienna is kind of.. err... challenging cause I can't really remember the landmarks and I had been procrastinating on this for weeks. =p. It's not that Vienna is boring or less fun, it's just me that can't recall the details. =p And, the worst part is, I lost my jacket there =(. Anyone who found it, please please take good care of it. It's a nice jacket. 

Day 9 - 10
The 1st place we visited in Vienna was the Schonbrunn Palace. We were lucky enough that a lady gave us some tips when we were in the subway. She told us that using the side entrance was so much fun than the main entrance. Reason - nice view. So, we decided to give it a try and true enough, it was wow. Trees were trimmed in different shapes, planted neatly in rows, perfectly designed landscapes, and etc. Everything was just fresh and nice, so much greenery.  

What time was it? 5.15pm? 

Schonbrunn Palace at the back. 

Opposite the palace was the Gloriette, the Neptune Fountain, and the Great Pattere.  

It was late evening when we left. 

We had done lots of walking the next day. Pretty much walking by the streets and visiting from one tourist spot to another. We had visited Belvedere Palace (it was where I lost my jacket =( ) but the photos didn't turn out nice enough so I decided not to post it here =p. So, just sharing some photos that we took while we were walking by the streets. 

Found Beethoven and snapped a photo with him. 

St. Stephen's Cathedral. 

Inside St. Stephen's Cathedral. Grandeur, isn't it? They had hung different colors of glass papers at the windows and this was what it turned out to be. The whole cathedral was so colorful with the reflection of the glass papers. 

That was it, my trip in Vienna. We actually wanted to visit the Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof in Austrian) as well but unfortunately, we were late when we reached the entrance. The place was closed by 5.00pm. The Central Cemetery is the resting place of several famous musicians such as Beethoven, Brahms, Strauss, and Schubert. It was kind of wasted, we were so close. We managed to snapped photos at the entrance though. Condolence prize? =p 

Alright, that's all for this round. Hope that I wont procrastinate again for my next travel blog. My Europe Trip haven't finished yet. More to come and stay tuned. 

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